Aloha!Welcome to theRotary Club of Kahului, Maui!Our mission is to make a difference in our community and world by providing service to others, promoting integrity and inclusion, and advancing understanding, goodwill, and peace through fellowship and relationship building.
Our club has been serving Maui families since 1955 and we invite you to join any of the nine (9) Rotary clubs here in Maui County. In Hawaii, there are 53 clubs statewide that are part of over 46,000 clubs in the world.
The 2024-2025 Rotary theme is "The Magic of Rotary". A year after the devastating fires on Maui, through Rotary we were able to show our communities and the world "The Magic of Rotary". Over 3 million dollars has been raised to help the Lahaina and Kula communities get back on their feet and move forward. Rotarians were there first on the ground helping our Lahaina and Kula communities during and after the fires and we will continue to show "The Magic of Rotary".
Our commitment to making a difference is stronger than ever. By joining Rotary, you will meet like-minded individuals who put service above self for the betterment of our community and our world. By joining Rotary, you too are a person of action.
I welcome you to join us at our weekly lunch meetings on Mondays from 12 to 1 pm at The Pono Center, 62 N. Market Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room. BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch - You can support the restaurant below SixtyTwo Marcket).Please call me at 808-877-3369 or email me at welab78@yahoo.comI look forward to meeting you!
Your servant in Rotary,
Kauwela Bisquera
2023-2025 President
Rotary Club of Kahului![]()
Together, we take action to create lasting change in our communities and around the world.
August 8, 2023 was a tragic day for our Rotarians, families and friends on the Island of Maui. The fires across the island have changed lives forever. Truly devastating. Our sympathy, thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted.
As people of action, we can take immediate action. As we come together to recover and rebuild, we need to support each other. We need to Create Hope for Maui.
Through our Rotary District 5000 Foundation, a relief fund has been established. Foundation President Dave Hamil and Treasurer Sharon Amano will handle all donations. A committee will be organized shortly to find the greatest needs for distribution of monies. A single fund will be the most helpful over time to provide the most significant benefits.
Please also widely share this opportunity to help.
Stay safe, take care and mahalo for creating hope.
Service Above Self
3rd Floor
Wailuku, HI 96793
United States of America